Anandi_with bananas

Anandi sits and sorts bananas in her kitchen at Satchitananda Restaurant in Auroville, South India.


Close up detail of a wooden model of the Matrimandir in Auroville.


The imposing gold plated Matrimandir at Auroville, South India sits in the midst of a vast green lawn. Two gardeners work in the foreground.


Goats and cows mingle in a scrubby grass field while an inukshuk looks on.


A crowd of patrons gather at the open air Dreamers Cafe in Auroville, South India.


The Auroville Raw Food Centre and Satchitananda Restaurant is titled in black and red lettering upon the outside wall of the restaurant.

Auroville grounds

Two women in saffron coloured saris stand in the shade of a tree at Auroville, South India.