Steamed Apple Slices
You’ll feel light as a feather after a breakfast of Steamed Apple Slices. This is the fare on offer each morning at CGH Kalari Kovilakom – The Palace for Ayurveda. It may not sound like much. But for the guests who will undertake a morning of yoga and treatments, it’s an important part of the …

Green and Minty Smoothie
One thing that was reinforced on our visit to Auroville was the powerful flavours of fresh local food. Anandi of Satchiananda Cafe and Krishna of Solitude Farm are both quite famous for their smoothies. We enjoyed a reviving green and minty smoothie during our visit, which worked wonders to beat the heat and restore our …

Utappam – thick pancakes topped with vegetables
After our dosa-making lesson with chef Dhiraj at Grande Bay Resort in Mamallapuram, he looked at all the batter his talented team had produced and with a sparkle in his eye, started to flex his creative chef brain. Pretty soon we were flipping these Utappams and fortunately for Pauli-Ann and I, this thicker version of …
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The Bangala’s Fruit Compote
Raman is one of the sous chefs at The Bangala. He is not only in charge of the dining room, he also makes all of the desserts. I happened to mention how much we enjoyed The Bangala’s Fruit Compote and he beamed. He also took me straight to his pantry. Together, we rummaged the ample …